Saturday, 20 November 2010

This year..What year ?

Well i dont want you to go without a blog post in a year.I dont care whether you have read Ray Bardbury or seen cheesy movies like Golmaal-3.From mid of this year, after Romit's departure defintely my life has become one dimensional. Movie watching has hit to all time low this year.Couple of good movies which were running in theatres i could catch like Bengali movie 'Autograph' and blockbluster Inception.

So has been the sad condition of my book reading frequency.I read defintely 'The Lost Symbol' followed it with Ray Bradbury's 'Farenheit 9/11' coupled with a couple of plays.Surely all time low in terms of feeding my hungry intellect. Well surely my technical blogging has been on a all time high. I will definitely try to get things right in these things also next year and also would try to blog more in coming days.